New Servers Built and Online

New Servers

New Servers are Up!

The DarrSoft Network got an upgrade this week. With the Heroic Support team managing the build, migration and technical support throughout the process, it was an incredibly smooth transition. For the past few years, all our dedicated hosting needs have been handled by the folks over at LiquidWeb and we have no plans to change that.

After realizing a lot of the software needed upgrades and some configuration settings needed to be tweaked, the decision was made to build new hardware and migrate everything over. You may notice that our high-traffic sites like and now load faster than ever.

The only affected site? This blog has been in need of some TLC for a little while and now with the new server, it will get just that. All of the previously uploaded images are not loading (WordPress issue, not related to the server move), and will be updated soon.