Tag: furnace

Aluminum Bronze Alloying & Pouring | Smelting Metal Treasure

Aluminum Bronze Alloy Aluminum Bronze is an alloy of Copper and Aluminum. It is stronger than copper and has a goldish hue that makes it desirable. There are different compositions for various applications, but in this video I went with 90% Copper (Cu) and 10% Aluminum (Al). Smelting Preparation & Pouring Temperatures In order to […]

Nordic Gold Viking Coin – 3D Print – Sand Cast – Pour

Nordic Gold Viking Coin Nordic Gold was developed in 1991 and is used for Euro Coins to this day. As a copper-based alloy, it is not actually gold. Nordic Gold is 89% Copper, 5% Aluminum, 5% Zinc, and 1% Tin. I alloyed this metal off camera weeks ago. In this video, I thought it would […]

Three Metal Pours – Bronze, Nordic Gold, Silver

This video is a preview of upcoming channel content, showcasing three metal pours only. Something fascinating about pouring molten metal. Two of the melts were copper-based alloys. I weighed out each before the melt. Bronze: 89% Copper, 11% Tin. Nordic Gold: 89% Copper, 5% Aluminum, 5% Zinc, 1% Tin. The silver is pure, not alloyed. […]